Online Data & Information Network for Energy (ODIN)

You need to Login to access this option.

The Open Access module only allows you access to a limited subset of the data that ODIN hosts. To access the full set of features you need to (register and) login.

MatDB Data Summary: Selection

ODIN data catalogs provide a summary of the entire content of the scientific databases that ODIN hosts. The data catalogs are largely unaffected by the access level of the data sets (Open Access, registered-access and restricted-access) and hence provide a comprehensive overview of the content of a particular database.

Presently there are three catalogs, all of which are specific to MatDB (the database of experimental data for engineering alloys). One catalog provides an overview of the data sets hosted by the application, another lists all the data sets that can be cited using the DataCite data publication framework and the other lists all the citable data set catalogs.

MatDB Data Summary

Overview of data sets hosted in MatDB.

Select experimental materials test results according to Test Type, Source Identifier (to identify the project within which the tests were performed) and Material. To select more than one entries click and hold down the CTRL-key. Then click the corresponding Confirm button to make the selection.

Each time you click Confirm, the number of available tests for the selected query is updated and displayed in Total Row Count.

Click Reset Form to start a new query.

Citable Data Sets

Overview of the data sets enabled for citation using the DataCite data citation framework.

Citable Catalogs

Overview of the data set catalogs enabled for citation using the DataCite data citation framework. You can create your own catalogs (permission required).

The procedure for creating a custom catalog involves adding individual data sets from the DOI catalog to a 'Cart'. Browsing the various subsections of the DOI Catalog, individual items are added to the Cart by selecting the adjacent checkbox. To view the items that have been added to the Cart, select Cart in the MY PROFILE menu.

Test type*
(Multiple select possible)

Source identifier*
(Multiple select possible)

Material name*
(Multiple select possible)

Current test count: 19759