Online Data & Information Network for Energy (ODIN)

You need to Login to access this option.

The Open Access module only allows you access to a limited subset of the data that ODIN hosts. To access the full set of features you need to (register and) login.

Account Configuration

Privacy Statement

Personal information: what do we collect? Who has access to it, How we protect your information.

Account details

Form to provide personal information. Please complete this as throughly as possible. Make sure the email you enter is correct. We will email you to confirm your registration.

Email (work - department) is a general company email address e.g. or, that can be used in the circumstance the primary email is not available.

Access Rights

Once registered you automatically receive access to MatDB and DoMa public data. This tab shows you which restricted data exists in ODIN. Via this tab you may request access to restricted databases or sets by applying to the owner for permission.